Babbling Bee-Rye: a collection of 'live' jam sessions (2023)

12 tracks make up this compilation album, all of which are improvised looper-assisted jams that occurred throughout the year 2023.
These jam sessions were recorded, and edited into a complete video, giving the music a bit of a "live" feel.
A more detailed explanation for this whole process can be found at this link here.

During the mixing process in November, my partner Beth generated a phrase that she felt was evocative of the music.
This phrase (which may or may not have been altered by me) was then fed to a very basic (and more importantly, free) AI image generator.
This generated image was then manipulated by me a little bit, branded with the project's AI-generated logo, and incorporated into the final video, which are all up on youtube now.

For comprehensive presentation (and perhaps more importantly to avoid youtube ads), they are all embedded in order on this page.

I documented this whole process to some degree on a dedicated substack page, and have each track linked to it's relevant post, if available.
I didn't really start up with the substack until a few weeks in. In hindsight though, I'm glad I documented most of this; it's cool to reflect back on now.

all links on this page will open in new tabs to avoid any musical interuptions.

boogie woogie woogie.

TITLE ALBUM ART (opens in new tab) VIDEO
Track #01: magmatic magnolia

September 15th, 2023
link to substack post
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Track #02: honey bees go line dancing

September 7th, 2023
link to substack post
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Track #03: hobbit (hut hut) hike!

May 31st, 2023

this one occurred pre-substack ...
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Track #04: hope springs eternal

September 7th, 2023
link to substack post
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Track #05: radical metamorphosis (take a ride with me)

July 22nd, 2023
link to substack post
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Track #06: cool cats like jazz

May 20th, 2023

this one occurred pre-substack ... might have been the first real video capture of the series ...
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Track #07: get up to get down

July 21st, 2023

link to substack post
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Track #08: cloud divine

August 22nd, 2023

link to substack post
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Track #09: bursting forth

June 9th, 2023

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Track #10: looper birthed a roto star

June 27th, 2023

link to substack post
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Track #11: power stroll

September 21st, 2023

link to substack post
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Track #12: penguin habitat

October 5th, 2023

link to substack post
[   ]

why does this website look like it was made in the 90s? great question. well, i tried out wordpress, and felt like it was bizarely limiting with a learning curve attached.
peeved, i opened up a text editor and typed up an html document, letting my brain from 2004 take over.
this also reflects the rather primitive methodology for recording these sessions.
i suppose i could just say it was an artistic decision.

let me try that one again.

why does this website look like it was made in the 90s? great question. it's a rejection of modernity's obsession with appearance and materialism, with a commentary on social justice.

this will look more presentable as time moves on. going to keep it simple, but easily accessible on both computer and mobile phone.

the goal of this website will be to function as a hub for various types of music projects.